Email 888.393.2131
Email 888.393.2131
We are going to reach out to every On Premise license in every county in NY State .
Statewide liquor related news
Statewide enforcement
County by County
Bring our liquor costs down .
Address The Monopoly
Extend Credit Terms
Access to large group insurance discounts
Ability to address the minimum wage issue.
Having the power to negotiate the best prices in every sector of our industry .
Out Dated Rules .
Each Fine $10,000 .
Supports A Monopoly.
Leads to Selective Enforcement .
We will connect on premise liquor license holders in your area as well as the state . our purpose is to unite everyone and keep a check on new statewide regulations as well as violations . Business owners like us need to be informed about all aspects that effects our bottom line or the security of our small business . Our newsletter will cover all counties in NY state .
We would like everyone to be up to date with the latest liquor news in all counties . A lot of violations have been issued by NYSLA agents as well as local police in the past five years that may seem to be a selective . We have already foiled this information and suggest you do the same as it is important to be up to date with all violations in your area . The number of petty violations on one visit will usually signify that the location was targeted
we would like to address the fact that ninety five percent of all brand name liquor is only available from two wholesalers .in our state . Both Of these wholesalers charge a delivery of three dollars . Both of them also have a minimum order requirement of twelve hundred and fifty dollars or charge another thirty five dollar penalty . . The cost per bottle of their exclusive brands can be as much as seventy percent higher than a large liquor store . Almost fifty percent of the time adelivery is either incomplete or something is broken . The drivers and helpers won’t take a delivery up or down one step or more than ten feet inside a building . Customer service is non existent as there is no other choice for us to purchase the brands and they are well aware of it . The SLA penalty for us to purchase a bottle from a liquor store is $10,000.
Why do we only have 30 day credit terms with the Liquor wholesalers when we already signed a personal guarantee on behalf of our business . Why did the beer credit terms change from 30 to 15 days in the past few years . Why do the NYSLA enforce the credit terms between us and the customers we do business with . It seems strange that for the past thirty years we pay more for liquor and beer than our customers and yet unlike our customers cannot use a credit card .
Purchasing liquor and all alcoholic beverages at a better price than our customers
Purchase general Liabillity and Liquor Liabillity as group
Having the ability to negotiate better prices as a large group.
The handbook needs to be revised from start to finish as it allows the NYSLA or anyone acting on their behalf to perform a full license inspection during any hours that the business is open .
The people performing such an inspection are going to find at least ten violations in any business , but may choose to ignore them , which leads to selective enforcement .
Each violation including using a power strip for a credit card machine is grounds for suspension , cancellation of the on premise license or a fine of up to ten thousand dollars .
Why do NYSLA want books and records to be kept at the location . Why is it mandatory to keep every door unlocked during an inspection . What other types of businesses require such scrutiny .
The rules are written in such a way that all operators are guilty of at least ten and if not then refer to “ Non Bonafide Fide “ which basically covers everything else .f
If you sell alcohol by the drink
Then we need each other !